On the Brink by Henry Paulson (Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Bloomberg BusinessWeek)
Beyond Basketball by Mike Krzyzewski (Coach K) (Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, New York Times)
Bo’s Lasting Lessons by John U. Bacon (Wall Street Journal)
The Coming Economic Collapse by Stephen Leeb (Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The New York Times)
The Real Deal by Sanford I. Weill (New York Times, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal)
It’s Our Ship by Captain Michael D. Abrashoff (New York Times, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal)
It’s Your Ship by Captain Michael D. Abrashoff (New York Times, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal)
Negotiate This! by Herb Cohen (Bloomberg BusinessWeek)
What Clients Love by Harry Beckwith (Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal)
Launching a Leadership Revolution by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward (Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal)
Thinking for a Change by John C. Maxwell (Bloomberg BusinessWeek)
There’s No Such Thing as Business Ethics by John C. Maxwell (Bloomberg BusinessWeek)
The Mirror Test by Jeffrey Hayzlett (Wall Street Journal)